Mercedes C-Class

W203 since 2000 of release

Repair and car operation

+ Mercedes-Benz Cars of a class C (W-203)
+ Operation manual
+ Routine maintenance
+ Engine
+ cooling and heating Systems
+ Power supply system and release
- Engine electric equipment
   + ignition and engine management System
   + System of preheat of the diesel engine
   + Diagnostics of systems of electronic control and diagnostic equipment
   - Charge and start systems
      The storage battery - the main data and acquisition of the new battery
      Check and charging of the storage battery
      Replacement of the storage battery
      Storage of the storage battery
      Charging system - general information and security measures
      Check of system of a charging
      Removal and generator installation
      Removal and installation of a regulator of tension. Replacement of brushes
      System of start of the engine - the general information and precautionary measures
      Removal and starter installation
      Removal and installation of the traction relay of a starter
      Check of system of start of the engine
+ Manual transmission
+ Automatic transmission
+ Coupling and power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment

Смотрите кэг 9720 клапан электромагнитный.

Storage of the storage battery


1. If the car was not used more than two months, the storage battery is necessary for removing and charging. The optimum temperature of storage of the battery makes from 0 to +27°С. At these temperatures the battery self-category the minimum. To charge the battery it is necessary not less often than once in two months, differently it becomes unfit for use.
The battery which was not used a long time (for example, it was not maintained the car), is discharged and, besides, can сульфатироваться. If such battery is charged by the device for a fast charge, she does not perceive a charging current or owing to a sulfatatsiya becomes too quickly "completely" charged. Actually the battery is damaged.
Before defining the battery as damaged, it is necessary to check the following:
2. Electrolit density. If the difference between density in separate sections does not exceed 0.04 g/ml, it is necessary to charge the battery the normal charger.
3. After a charge check the battery under loading. If characteristics of the battery are lower given in Specifications, the battery is damaged.
4. If the electrolit density in one or in two next sections considerably differs (for example, in five sections of 1.16 g/ml, and in the sixth 1.08 g/ml) the battery has short circuit and it is necessary to replace it.